Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Return of BUGS on Stilts

BUGS students had another opportunity to learn and train on the stilts. This time they were going to have a stilt-walking parade for the Farmer's Market.

Ms. Annie and her fellow stilters from Nana Projects came out to help train the students about stilt-walking. Prior to Ms. Annie coming out, the students watched a dvd called the UP AND DANCING: THE MAGIC OF STILTING. This dvd was about the Mookie Jumbies in Trinidad where stilt walking is very popular.

All of the students were given an opportunity to walk on the stilts. Believe me when I say that there were plenty of stumbles, bumps and falls. And for that reason, the first thing that the students are taught is how to fall - crossing the arms like an "X" across the chest while bending at the knees.
There was one major addition this year with the stilting. We had our own stilts made. BUGS was able to work with Mr. Josh and have 10 pair of stilts made. This was helpful because it allowed for more students to participate in the stilt walking parade. The Middle School students were able to help in completing the finished stilts. They used foam knee pads that were placed on the knee brace of the stilt and then wrapped it in duct tape to provide cushion and support.

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